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Stephan Botha avatar
Written by Stephan Botha
Updated over 2 years ago

If you do not already have an account with Zapier you will need to create one. You can sign up with Zapier directly or sign up with your Google account.


Before you can begin setting up your integration, you will need to be invited to use the FIVE CRM app. To request an invite, please contact Customer Success Support on

You will receive an email containing an invitation link. Simply click on the link to accept the invitation.

From here, once logged in you can ‘Make a Zap!’


You will first need to configure a ‘Trigger’.

Note: FIVE CRM can be used as a Trigger and this allows certain system events to send Account information to Zapier. Users can then use this in their Zaps however they want.


These events are disabled by default, and can be enabled by Admin Users on a per-area basis by going to: Menu > Setup > Database Areas > selecting the area and going to the drop down of System Events. 'Account Created' event tracking will trigger an event each time a New Account is created and saved. 'Tracked Responses' will trigger an event each time an account is wrapped up with one the chosen Responses.

When one of these events is triggered, a snapshot of the Account fields and Account Additional Fields will be saved and made available to any Zaps that have been configured to monitor that Database Area. The event information will only be kept for approximately 1 hour, so you do not have to worry about new Zaps picking up old events.

Please be aware that currently this functionality only works in Database Areas that do not have Multiple-Projects enabled.

Select which app you would like to run the trigger from. Several linked options will display for you to choose from.



Once you are happy click ‘Save + Continue’.

Depending on which app you selected earlier you may be taken to a page where you need to select what account this trigger is for.

Once connected click ‘Save + Continue’.

In this example we have selected Google Calendar, so we are also asked to select which calendar we want to run the trigger from.

Once selected click ‘Continue’.

Zapier will then ‘Pick A Sample To Set Up Your Zap’. You do have the choice to skip this.

Next you will need to configure your ‘Action’. Select FIVE CRM from the app drop down list. This will then display a list of actions currently available. Select ‘Create/Update Account’, and then click ‘Save + Continue’.



You will now need to ‘Connect an Account’ to allow Zapier to access your FIVE CRM system. Once clicked, a popup will appear requiring the following information:

API Hash – This can be found by going to Menu > Setup > Users > User Profiles in FIVE CRM. Select a user and copy the Hash from the information at the top of the screen. Note that if the password is ever changed in the User Profile, the Hash will also change. We suggest making a User Profile which will never be logged into or have the password changed on to ensure there will be no connection issues in the future.

Server – This can be located within a User Profile at the top of the screen or by navigating to Menu > About > System Information.

Serial - This can be located within a User Profile at the top of the screen or by navigating to Menu > About > System Information.


Once you have filled in the information you can test the connection. After successfully testing the connection you can then click ‘Save + Continue’.


Next you will need to populate some FIVE CRM related fields. This will determine what is added into your system.

You have 2 required fields:


Account Name

All other fields are optional.

You can manually type values into these fields or choose from the available options.

At the end of each field you will either see an arrow


or plus icon



The arrow gives you the option to ‘Use a Custom Value’ or ‘Clear Current Choice’.

The plus icon relates to the ‘Use a Custom Value’ option. This gives you the ability to populate the field with the value provided by the trigger.

If an account number is specified, then the system will attempt to update the matching account if one exists. Otherwise a new account will be created.

Once you are happy with your configuration, click ‘Continue’.

You will then have the option to ‘Send Test To FIVE CRM’ or ‘Skip Test’.


If you decide to send a test you should see a ‘Test was successful!’ message. Note that this will result in an account being created or updated in your system. You can review this test account to make sure the information was set correctly. When you are comfortable that the account was created/updated correctly you can click ‘Finish’ at the bottom of the page


You will finally be taken to a page where you can name and turn on your Zap. From there you can view it on your dashboard or make another Zap.


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