Lead scoring allows you to add a score to Accounts based upon Responses, Customer Statuses, Account additional fields and Project additional fields (If you are using Multiple Projects).
This can be used to track Accounts and their progress.
Lead scoring can be accessed by going to Menu > Setup > Lead Scoring.
This screen holds all of the configuration which the system uses to calculate the Lead Score for Accounts.
A new Lead Score rule can be configured by clicking on:
This will then bring up the following window:
You have the option to select an event using a Customer Status, a Response, an Account Additional Field or a Project Additional Field to calculate the Lead Score.
Name | Description |
Event | The field which the rule will be based upon.
Field | (Account Additional Fields and Project Additional Fields only) This will change based upon the event selected, for example, with an Account Additional Field event, Account Additional Fields will show.
Project | (Multiple Project Areas only) The project the rule will be used in. Can be set to "All Projects" to be used in every project.
Operator | (Account Additional Fields and Project Additional Fields only) The operator used in the comparison.
Field Value / Response / Customer Status | The value which satisfies the rule. |
Score | The score to add (use negative numbers to subtract) when the rule is satisfied.
An example Lead Score rule in a non-multiple project area:
And an example from a multiple project area:
This rule is only applied to Accounts in the "Consumables" project.
Rules can be edited and changed by clicking on the edit icon:
Rules can be deleted by clicking on the dustbin icon:
Lead Scoring and Responses
Response rules work slightly different to the other rules. All response rules consider all responses in the Contact History, as opposed to the current or last response on the Account.
This means, that if you have the following rules set up:
Field | Field Value | Score |
Response | Information Sent | 20 |
Response | Call Back | 5 |
Then an Account with 3 Contact History entries with a Response of 'Call Back' and 1 Contact History entry with a Response of 'Information Sent' then the score from the above rules will be
( 3 x 5 ) + ( 1 x 20 ) = 35.
Lead Scoring and CustomerStatuses
CustomerStatuses can also have SubStatuses. You can configure rules on both a CustomerStatus and a Substatus, for example:
You can also have multiple rules looking at the same CustomerStatus, but which consider different SubStatuses, or do not consider the SubStatus.
For example:
Field | Field Value | Score |
CustomerStatus | Call Back: Interested | 12 |
CustomerStatus | Call Back | 8 |
If an Account has a CustomerStatus of Call Back and a SubStatus of Interested then only the more specific rule is considered.
This means that in this case 12 will be added to the Lead Score for the Account.
Lead Scoring and Multiple Projects
The Lead Score is Project specific in Multiple Projects, so the Account can have a different lead score for each Project which it is in.
As described above, in Multiple Project Areas the Lead Score rules will be able to define which Project the rule is for. Once again more specific rules take priority over less specific rules.
For example:
Field | Field Value | Project | Score |
CustomerStatus | Info Request | Consumables | 20 |
CustomerStatus | Info Request | All Projects | 14 |
When an Account in the Consumables Project is saved with the CustomerStatus of "Info Request" the more specific rule takes priority. So in this case 20 is added to the Lead Score for that Account and Project.
Further to this example you can have a combination of both CustomerStatus and SubStatus rules within certain Projects. The priority is listed in the table below:
Priority (1 being the highest) | Description |
1 | Project specific CustomerStatus and SubStatus rule |
2 | Project specific CustomerStatus rule |
3 | Non-Project specific CustomerStatus and SubStatus rule |
4 | Non-Project specific CustomerStatus rule |
Lead Scoring Calculations
The Lead Score is only updated whenever an Account is saved, this happens both when saving using "Save and Log" and "Only Save Account".
In a Multiple Projects Area the lead score will be recalculated on each of the Account's Projects when this is saved in any Project. Therefore, if you have an Account in 12 different Projects, the lead score is recalculated for all Projects on the Account every time the Account is saved in any of these 12 Projects.
To subtract a value from the Lead Score, you can set the value to be negative, rather than positive.
Lead Scoring calculations look at the current value for the Account Additional Field, Project Additional Field and CustomerStatus rules.
The Lead Scoring calculations on Response look at all of the historical Responses.
Lead Scoring Operators
Both the greater than and less than operators can compare dates. However, these dates must be in database format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss), for example: 2017-03-05 14:01:00 would be the date and time for 1 minute past 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 5th of March 2017.
They can also be used to compare numeric values.
If a field is empty, it is ignored by the less than operator.
Viewing the Lead Score
The Lead Score can be added to the Account List view to track the Lead Score for each Account.
Click on
on the Account List.
Then search for 'Lead Score'.
And click on Lead Score on the left to add it to the list.
Now this is visible on the Account List against Accounts.
This field can also be added to any panel, as you normally would do with any field.