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Web Forms
Stephan Botha avatar
Written by Stephan Botha
Updated over 2 years ago

The system allows for the quick and easy creation of web forms, web forms allow you to capture data from a web interface and use this to create a new Account's in the CRM.

To create a web form to go the Menu option, Setup > Documents > Web Forms

Click on the


button to bring up the web form editor.

Enter the form name where prompted, this is for your reference only.

The top section of fields are hidden, this means they are submitted with the form but do not appear on the form itself.



Select the default Owner for the account to be created.

Customer Status

Select the default Customer Status for the account to be created.

Redirect address for Thank you page

Enter the redirect address for the 'thank you' page. This is the page that will be displayed after the form is submitted.


Select the email campaign (if any) to be triggered when the form is submitted.


Enter an email address or system username to notify when the form is submitted. If an email address is entered an email will be sent, if a username is entered an internal message will be sent.

Nextdate Type

Choose whether to use a static or relative value for the account nextdate. This is the nextdate that will appear on the created account.


Enter the nextdate or the nextdate increment.


Select the Project the new account will be associated with.

Extra Field

Up to 5 other fields can be added as hidden fields. Select from the dropdown lists. The textbox to the right is where you will enter the value to be populated in the selected field.

Attach File

Shows a file upload option. The selected document will be attached to the new account automatically.

Update Account

If the value collected in the web form in field selected matches an existing Account it will update that Account rather than creating a new one.

The visible fields section shows the fields that will appear on the web form. Click a field on the left to add it to the form.

Account and Contact additional fields will appear in the list if they are defined. To learn more about this please click here.


Click a field on the left to include in the list.

Click the minus ( - ) button to remove a field.

Drag fields up or down to re-order the list.

With a text field you have the option to have a Textbox or a multiline Textbox or if a field has a dropdown item list, you have the option to set the field as a Dropdown, Radio buttons, or Checkboxes (ie multi select).

When finished click the Save & Preview button (



This will then show you a preview of the web form you have created with the html code that can be copied/pasted to an existing website.


You can test your web form by filling in the fields here and selecting the Submit button (


) this will then create a Account and take you through to the 'Thank you' page you added.

Please note: You need to use a User Profiles hash in a Web Form, if the password is changed in the User Profile the hash will change causing them to no longer match. In this case you can create a User Profile called 'API User - Please dont use' and collect the hash from that User to use in your web forms. As you do not use that Profile there is no risk of the password changing.



If the web form needs some changes you will need to select the Edit Form button (


) and this will take you back to the editor. If you are happy with the web form you can use the Return to form list button (


) which will take you to the list of Web Forms you have in this Area.

Back in the List of web forms you have 5 options under the Actions heading.


Click to edit a web form you have already created

Create a Web Page

Click to create a web page to host your web form


Click to preview the web form so you can get a better idea of what the web form will look like.


Click to copy this web form, useful to copy a web form before making changes as you have a backup


Click to edit the web form.

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