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Incoming Calls for FIVE CRM VoIP
Incoming Calls for FIVE CRM VoIP
Stephan Botha avatar
Written by Stephan Botha
Updated over 2 years ago

To check and setup incoming calls you will need to open the file FIVE CRM VOIP.ini (found in the FIVE CRM Tools folder)

Check the value of the entry for cmdIncomingCall= this should be set to the location where the FIVECRM Tools are located plus incomingcall.exe. For example:



The incomingcall programme has 4 purposes:


To ensure that screenpops are executed in the same browser tab that the user currently has FIVECRM running in. If the screenpop opened in a new tab each time then users would end up with many tabs open and potentially cause system errors. However, it is not unknown for Windows to prevent this programme’s communication with the browsers, if you find that is the case then the best option is to use Firefox and to set the browser to open new URLs in the currently open tab (instructions below); unfortunately that is not an option in Chrome. If Windows is preventing the communication and you do not need items 2 or 3 below then you could use the FIVECRM cli-search URL directly in your softphone (details below), and then this programme is not needed.


To “clean” incoming numbers before searching the database in FIVE CRM


To check that the agent/user is ready to receive a call


To display details of the caller making the incoming call before it is answered

CLI Search URL

The FIVE CRM URL to activate a screenpop is in the form:



[long-url-path] Ask support for the long URL for your FIVE CRM instance

[hash] The hash associated with the user on each PC (details below)

[cli] The incoming number

[dnis] The called number (or indicator of the called number), this can be set in the Database Area setup

The program can be called from any softphone.

Parameters :

cli=[phone number]

Incoming number

eg. cli=01249566010

dnis=[called number]

Called number
(This parameter is optional)

eg. dnis=01249566010

Example Commands

[path]\incomingcall.exe 01249566010

[path]\incomingcall.exe &cli=01249566010

[path]\incomingcall.exe &cli=01249566010&dnis=01249

Making the screenpop open the right browser tab

The Default option (Find FIVECRM browser tab) to send the screenpop URL to the browser uses a programmatic method to find the right window and tab. However, it seems that Windows increasingly is clamping down on this, and as such, there are two other options:


Use the FIVECRM Chrome Extension (click here), and select Open browser again in the second tab. For example, the way this works is that incomingcall.exe will request Windows to open:


The FIVECRM Chrome Extension looks for a browser tab containing FIVECRM and opens the new URL in that tab.


In Firefox you can set it so that a new URL (ie the screenpop) is always opened in the currently open page tab.

Follow the steps below to set Firefox to always open the screenpop in the currently open page tab:


In the location bar, type about:config and press Enter. The about:config "This might void your warranty!" warning page may appear.


Click I'll be careful, I promise!, to continue to the about:config page.


At the Search area type in (or copy/paste the next) then, double-click on it and change the value to 0 (zero)


Click OK.

Do the same with the : and change the value to 1 (one)

See for more info:


Run the program manually by locating it in Windows Explorer. By default the FIVE CRM Tools will be installed into [public documents]\fivecrm.

Note that the program should not be left running as it will be opened by the softphone.

FIVE CRM short URL - Can contain either the short or long URL.

For example:

Hash - Must contain the hash code that is applicable for the current user. Using a hash from a different user profile will result in the session being terminated.

The hash can be found in FIVE CRM at the menu option Setup > Users > User Profiles, then edit the relevant name, the hash is found at the top of the screen.

The settings are validated on exiting this field.

Browser - Select Chrome or Firefox

Browser method - If Chrome is selected then this option is not shown. If using Firefox then select from:

a. Direct

b. Command line

Direct - This is the preferred method but if Windows prevents this then Command line is the only way to make it work.

Remove initial characters - Specify any preceding characters that need to be removed from the incoming phone number so they can be matched with numbers in the FIVE CRM


Number must begin with - Enter the character that numbers must begin with. For example, if the incoming number is +441249566010, you would want to remove the +44 and

then insert a 0.

Show incoming details - The purpose of this option is to query the FIVECRM database to fetch account details for the incoming number. If this field is left blank then the

screenpop can be executed immediately when the call comes in. Those details will then be displayed to the user before they answer the call.

Create a new Report Writer report in FIVE CRM such as this:

Name = incomingcall

Database Area

= Select the Database Area(s) to search

Field Selection = Select the fields that need to be shown to the user. Include the Telephone field as that is needed in the Record Selection (below)

Record Selection (Selection Criteria) = Select the field Telephone

Select the operator Equals

Enter *v1 in the Value textbox

Save the report

Select RW in the type field dropdown

Enter the report name (in this example incomingcall)

Test - Use the Test button to check the report works.

After clicking the button, enter a phone number in the popup dialog and press OK.

If the phone number is not found a notification message will show at the bottom right corner, such as this:


If the number does exist, the following notification is shown:


On clicking the notification, the program will fire the screenpop.

Check agent status

The purpose of this section is to prevent a screenpop executing if the agent is still finishing the previous call. The function works in conjunction with the FIVE CRM Agent, such

that when a dial command is issued, the Agent will find out what account the user is currently in. When an incoming call is received, this program checks to see what account the

agent is in, if it is the same account as was just dialled then we assume the user has not yet finished and the screenpop should not be activated.

Select SQL or RW depending on the report

Enter the name of the report to run, eg getcurrentaccount

The report could be an SQL report (you may need Support to create this) such as:


Click the Test button to confirm the report works. The result will either be a message saying Agent not logged in

or it will say:

Agent ready for screenpop: last dialled account=xyz; current account=abc

or it will say:

No screenpop: dialled account=xyz; current account=xyz


Select the action if the agent is not ready to do the screenpop

Options: No action

Show message to action the screenpop

URL to fire - This should be left at the default unless told specifically to change it. Click the button


to reset to default.

Extra details for testing - Parameters to use when doing a test

Save button - Use to save all settings

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