Alarms can be set in the Wrapup screen or from the User option in the Menu while in the Account view . Click here for more information on Alarms.
Method 1
Go to the Account List, click on Filter and then check the box for Alarms.
Use the other Filter options as normal.
The filter will only bring up Accounts with Alarms that we set by the User you are logged in as. For example, if all Alarms were created by User Adam you would need to be logged into Adams User to see the Alarms. If you were Logged into User Jessie you wouldn't be able to see any Alarms set.
Method 2
Go to menu option Tools > Manage Alarms
This screen allows you to delete alarms, reassign to a different username, or change the time of the alarm.
If your Authority Level is less than "Power user" or 50, then you can only see your own username in the drop down list. Higher authorities can view all usernames.
Select whether to see "Overdue alarms" or "Future alarms" or "All".
Select what Area you want to show the alarms for.
Click the Filter button to refresh the list with the selected filter options (
Use the checkboxes to select which alarms you want to amend, or use the top checkbox to select all (this will select all alarms on the page you are viewing, if you have multiple pages of alarms it won’t delete them all).
Select the 'With Selected:' operation to either "Delete", "Reassign" or "Change time" on an alarm
Clicking "Change time" allows you to set a single date and time, so it is not recommended to change all alarms to the same time.
Click the Update button to make your change (