This database structure information is useful for the following functions:
Main Tables
Tablename | Description |
TELRCM | Main account details, only one record per Account Number |
CONT | Contact name details, can be multiple contact name records per Account |
RCMANL | Account additional fields, only one record per Account |
TELCOM | Account contact history, can be multiple records per Account |
ACCSTO | Account product details, can be multiple records per Account |
PROJECT or RCMPROJ (for Multiple Projects) | Account Project details, for PROJECT it is only one record per Account but for RCMPROJ it can be multiple records per Account. |
Main Fields
Main account details, only one record per Account Number
Fieldname | Field Definition | Description |
ACCOUNT | String (32) | Account number or URN |
COMPANY | String (60) | Account name |
ADDRESS1 | String (60) | Account address line 1 |
ADDRESS2 | String (60) | Account address line 2 |
ADDRESS3 | String (60) | Account address line 3 |
ADDRESS4 | String (60) | Account address line 4 |
POSTCODE | String (10) | Account post/zip-code |
COUNTRY | String (40) | Account country |
TELEPHONE | String (20) | Account telephone |
FAX | String (20) | Account fax |
WWW | String (100) | Account web address |
NEXTDATE | Datetime | Next call date, or can be appointment date |
LASTDATE | Datetime | Last contact date |
FIRSTDATE | Datetime | Account creation date |
STATUSDATE | Datetime | Date the Status last changed on this account |
NOTE | Text | Account note (page tab on Account Details screen) |
ADDNOTE | Text | Account additional note (page tab on Account Details screen) |
OWNER | String (20) | System Owner for this account (code, not description) |
CUSTOMERSTATUS | String (25) | Main Status |
SUBSTATUS | String (25) | Sub-status |
SALESMAN | String (40) | Account Sales person |
PROJECT | String (50) | Project (if not using Multiple Projects) |
LASTUSER | String (50) | Last username to save the account |
SAVEDATE | Datetime | The date & time that the account was last saved |
Contact name details, can be multiple contact name records per Account
Fieldname | Field definition | Description |
ACCOUNT | String (32) | Account number, or URN |
CONTACT | String (50) | Full contact name |
TITLE | String (10) | Title (ie Mr, Mrs etc) |
FIRSTNAME | String (30) | First name |
SURNAME | String (40) | Last name |
POSN | String (50) | Job title |
PRIMARY_ | String (1) | Primary flag ("P" or blank) |
TYPE_ | String (20) | Contact type |
String (100) | Email address | |
TELEPHONE | String (20) | The contact's telephone number or direct dial |
MOBILE | String (20) | Mobile or cell phone number |
FAX | String (20) | Contact's fax number |
ADDRESS1 | String (40) | Address line 1, specific to this contact name |
ADDRESS2 | String (40) | Address line 2, specific to this contact name |
ADDRESS3 | String (40) | Address line 3, specific to this contact name |
ADDRESS4 | String (40) | Address line 4, specific to this contact name |
POSTCODE | String (10) | Post/zip-code, specific to this contact name |
COUNTRY | String (40) | Country, specific to this contact name |
ADDN01 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 01 |
ADDN02 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 02 |
ADDN03 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 03 |
ADDN04 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 04 |
ADDN05 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 05 |
ADDN06 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 06 |
ADDN07 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 07 |
ADDN08 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 08 |
ADDN09 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 09 |
ADDN10 | String (50) | Additional (user defined) field 10 |
CID | Numeric | Contact ID |
EXTCONTACTID | String (30) | External contact ID |
Account additional fields, only one record per Account.
NOTE: The field types of the Additional Fields can be changed using the menu option Setup/field-headings/Account-additional fields. Click here for more information.
Fieldname | Field definition | Description |
ACCOUNT | String (32) | Account number, or URN |
ANAL01 - 100 | String (100) | Additional (user defined) Field 01 - 100 |
Account contact history, can be multiple records per Account.
Fieldname | Field definition | Description |
ACCOUNT | String (32) | Account number, or URN |
DAT_ | Datetime | Activity date |
TIME_ | String (11) | Activity time |
USERNAME | String (50) | Username logged on when activity record saved |
RESPONSE | String (50) | Response |
CONTACT | String (50) | Contact name associated with this activity record |
COMMENTS | Text | Comments/notes |
CAMPAIGN | String (50) | Project associated with this activity record |
ACTIVITY | String (25) | Activity: fixed system values (Wrapup, Email, Letter) or user defined |
OWNER | String (20) | Account Owner at the time the activity record was saved |
CUSTOMERSTATUS | String (25) | Account Status at the time the activity record was saved |
SUBSTATUS | String (25) | Account Sub-Status at the time the activity record was saved |
TIMEST | Datetime | Datetime that the activity record was saved |
PREPTIME | Numeric | Time in decimal minutes that the account was open before dialing (only works if using the system to dial the phone) |
CALLTIME | Numeric | Time in decimal minutes between dialing and hanging-up (only works if using the system to dial the phone) |
WRAPTIME | Numeric | Time in decimal minutes between hanging-up and press the Save&Log Call button on the Wrapup section (only works if using the system to dial the phone) |
DOCUMENT | String (50) | Name of html document merged |
PRODUCT | String (25) | Product Code selected on Wrapup section |
SALESMAN | String (40) | Sales person name for this activity record |
FIELD1 | String (100) | First Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD2 | String (100) | Second Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD3 | String (100) | Third Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD4 | String (100) | Forth Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD5 | String (100) | Fifth Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD6 | String (100) | Sixth Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD7 | String (100) | Seventh Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD8 | String (100) | Eighth Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD9 | String (100) | Ninth Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
FIELD10 | String (100) | Tenth Additional Field attached to the Wrapup section |
Account product details, can be multiple records per Account
Fieldname | Field definition | Description |
ACCOUNT | String (32) | Account number or URN |
MANUFACTURER | String (25) | Manufacturer or other reference |
PRODUCT | String (25) | Product code |
PRODGROUP | String (25) | Product group |
REFERENCE | String (10) | Unique reference |
POSN | String (15) | Position |
IMPORTANCE | String (15) | Importance |
STARTDATE | Datetime | Start date |
ENDDATE | Datetime | End date |
PLANQTY | Numeric | Planned quantity |
ACTQTY | Numeric | Actual quantity |
PLANVAL | Numeric | Planned value |
ACTVAL | Numeric | Actual value |
TYPE_ | String (5) | Type [P (potential) or E (Existing)] |
STATUS | String (20) | Status |
SERIALNO | String (30) | Serial number |
PROBABILITY | Numeric | Probability |
UPDATEDBY | String (50) | Updated by username |
UPDATED | Datetime | Updated datetime |
CREATED | Datetime | Created datetime |
TOTALNETVALUE | Numeric | Total net value |
TAXVALUE | Numeric | Tax value |
TOTALVALUE | Numeric | Total gross value |
DISCOUNT | Numeric | Discount |
ADDN01 | String (250) | Additional Field 01 |
ADDN02 | String (250) | Additional Field 02 |
ADDN03 | String (250) | Additional Field 03 |
ADDN04 | String (250) | Additional Field 04 |
ADDN05 | String (250) | Additional Field 05 |
ADDN06 | String (250) | Additional Field 06 |
ADDN07 | String (250) | Additional Field 07 |
ADDN08 | String (250) | Additional Field 08 |
ADDN09 | String (250) | Additional Field 09 |
ADDN10 | String (250) | Additional Field 10 |
Project details. One record per project.
Fieldname | Field definition | Description |
PROJECT | String (15) | Project Name |
DESCRIPTION | String (50) | Project Description |
STARTDATE | Datetime | Project Start Date |
ENDDATE | Datetime | Project End Date |
ACCOUNTS | Numeric | Number of Accounts in Project |
DIALPREFIX | String (20) | Project Dialing Prefix |