Twitter can be a great source of information and the system is able to show the most recent Tweets directly in the same interface.
Creating the Twitter Feed Panel
To create the Panel you will need to go to the Menu option, Setup > Panels > Panels
Click the button New Panel
Select the Panel Type: Twitter Feed
Enter a Name and Title. The Name is referring to the name of the Panel on the back end and the Title is what is shown in Account View. It is possible to have these as the same.
Note, you can leave the Title field empty if you do not want a Header Bar on the Panel
To know more about controls you can click here.
You will need to click save to create the panel and add it to the list.
Once the Panel is created you will need to add it to the Panel view, to do this you will need to click into an Account that is using the View you would like to edit. When in the Account you will need to select Edit this View (
) which is down in the bottom left corner of the screen and then select the Insert Panel (
) option that is located on the top bar. In the popup that appears you will need to select the new panel you have just created and it will be added to the view.
You will need to login to Twitter the first time for each session.
Click the button
On the next screen you need to enter your Twitter details and click the button Authorize app
After authorizing, the page will refresh and you will then be able to use the twitter panel. You may need to Reload Area to ensure the system has fully refreshed.
Twitter Id Search
Enter a Name to search for and click the button Search
Click on the required entry to bring it back to the Twitter Panel.
The screen will automatically update with the latest Tweets: