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Transfer Data from
Transfer Data from
Stephan Botha avatar
Written by Stephan Botha
Updated over 2 years ago

In the system go to the Menu option, Tools > > Download from Salesforce.


Enter your login credentials. You will need to add your Security Token to your password, if do not know it you can edit your user details in and request the Security Token to be sent to you.

Select whether you want to import Leads, or Accounts & Contacts.

If you need to import Leads, Accounts and Contacts you will need to run the import twice.

Click the Continue button for the next step.


Use the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select all the fields you want to download.


The AccountID, LeadID, ContactID fields must be selected if you will be uploading data back to

Select the Campaign from the drop down, or leave as "All Campaigns" for all of the records.

Press the Continue button for the next step.

Due to limitations imposed by Salesforce, it is only possible to download a maximum of 2000 rows of data at a time using this tool.


After the system has selected the data you can either download the file or go straight to the import screen.


The system will automatically map the fields that it can. You should check that these are correct first. There may be additional fields that you will need to do manually. Fields that are not yet mapped are shown in a red font. Find and click on the relevant system field in the left hand list, and click the appropriate field in the middle column (the import data).


There are some specific fields which must be mapped in this import:

Account_ID - Must be mapped to both Account: Account Number and Account: External Account ID.

Contact ID - Must be mapped to Contact: Contact ID.

Campaign_ID - Must be mapped to Contact: External Campaign ID.

Lead_ID - Must be mapped to Account: External Lead ID.

Press the Continue button to go to the next step.

Click here for details on the next steps.

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