This process will select records in the system based on their last save date and their status, and then updates the database as necessary.
Go to the Menu option, Tools > > Upload to Salesforce.
Enter your Salesforce login credentials. You will need to add your Security Token to your password, if you do not know it you can edit your user details in and request the Security Token to be sent to you.
You have the option to select an Owner and/or specific Status.
Select the system Save Date Range. Leave the date fields blank to not set a "from" or "to" limit.
Select whether to:
Update/Create Accounts & Contacts
Update/Create Leads
Create Tasks
Create Opportunities
Create Events
Click the Upload button to proceed.
When the process is finished the system displays counts to show how many records were created and updated for each section. Numbers in the line for "Skipped" show the number of accounts that were omitted because the Status did not match for that section (ie Lead, Account, Task, Opportunity, Event).