Having done the telemarketing campaign in the CRM, the system needs to know under what circumstances it should update Leads, Accounts & Contacts, Tasks and Opportunities in Salesforce.com.
The system does this by using the Status of each Account. So when you choose to upload to Salesforce.com you can specify which Statuses refer to Accounts & Contacts, Leads, Tasks, Opportunities or Events.
Go to the Menu option, Tools > Salesforce.com > Status Triggers.
In each column select the Statuses that apply.
If a Lead becomes an Account, Salesforce automatically updates the Lead record with the converted datetime. Note that it is not possible to create a Task, Opportunity or Event for a record that changes from a Lead to an Account.
For example:
You may set Leads to be created/updated for a status of Prospect.
You may set a Task to be created for a status of Appointment and in the mapping screen put the "appointment" in the Subject field, the appointment datetime in the "Due Date only" and "Description" (both fields because "Due date only" does only store the date, so the "Description" will have the date and time of the appointment).
Updating Events will make Salesforce show the item in the calendar.