Achievements are a way to track and measure the number of times a user has performed certain actions within the system.
These actions can be combined within the same achievement, so that they must happen concurrently for them to be tracked, or they can be tracked individually as separate achievements depending on the action.
For example:
I want to track the number of wrapups a user has completed.
However, I may also have more specific requirements, such as:
I want to track the number of wrapups a user has completed with the 'Email Sent' response.
I want to track the number of wrapups a user has completed with the 'Email Sent' response where the user has changed the contact email address field at the same time.
I want to track the number of wrapups a user has completed with the 'Email Sent' response where the user has changed the contact email address field and set the 'Decision Maker' contact additional field to 'Yes' all at the same time.
I can track all of the above using achievements within the system.
An achievement itself would be awarded for performing a certain action or actions a set number of times. You can have multiple achievements with different values for the same action (or actions). For example:
I have an achievement: "Wrap It Up" which is awarded to a user once they perform an account wrapup.
I can then also have achievements: "That's a Wrap", "Wrap Artist" and "Eminem" which are awarded to a user once they perform 10, 100 and 1000 wrapups respectively.
The action "Perform an account wrapup" is tracked and used by all four of the above achievements. If a user has performed the action more than 1000 times, this is still tracked in the system (the counter does not stop at 1000). If I were to create an achievement requiring a user to perform 5000 account wrapups, they would start the counter from the value they were at, not back at 0 again. This allows you to constantly update and manage your achievements system, rather than starting from zero each time.
Achievements are separated into categories. These categories can relate to specific calling campaigns, or certain areas within the system. In the example above I would include all of the Achievements in a 'Wrapup' category. But I could also have an achievement category related to a 'Training' database area, or a campaign area containing only area-specific achievements.
Achievement Points
Achievements each have a points value associated with them. Once a user completes an achievement, they are rewarded with that number of points. Users across the system are placed on a leaderboard and can compare their points totals to show which User has achieved the most!
Achievement Hierarchy
A meta achievement requires one or more achievements to be completed.
A regular achievement requires one or more criterion to be completed a specific number of times.
Each criterion is a specific event or occurrence, such as changing an additional field or wrapping up an account.
As you can see in the diagram above, to earn the meta achievement, a user would have to complete Achievements 1, 2 and 3.
Achievement 1 requires a user to complete Criterion A 10 times and Criterion B 5 times.
Achievement 2 requires a user to complete Criterion C 100 times.
Achievement 3 requires a user to complete Criterion D once, Criterion E 5 times and Criterion F 25 times.