To change the Fields/Columns shown on the Account List go to the Menu option, User > Change Columns.
click the button at the bottom left:
Note that the Fields/Columns selected can be different for every User for every Database Area.
Users with an Authority Level of less than 10 (ie Standard User, see User Profiles) cannot change the list Field settings.
Users with an Authority Level of 10 (Standard User) and less than 50 (Power User) can change the Fields list settings for themselves.
Users with an Authority Level of 50 or more can change the Fields list settings for all other Users.
The Fields/Columns displayed on the Account List can be selected by going to the Menu option, User > Change Columns.
Selecting fields for the Account List screen
Simply click the Fields on the left to include them in the list on the right.
To remove a Field click the
To re-order the Fields shown, drag them up or down in the list on the right.
To change the text click on the edit button on the right
To search for a particular Field type the name in the Search box, the system will filter automatically as you type.
To set the selected Fields to be the default for the current Area click the button:
Save current Fields as Area default
All changes are saved at the time of clicking this button.