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Contact Name Field Selection
Stephan Botha avatar
Written by Stephan Botha
Updated over 2 years ago

To get to the Contact Additional Fields you will need to go to the Menu option, Setup > Field Heading > Contact Additional Fields


Here, you will need to add a heading. Adding a Heading here will also set the same heading everywhere on the view that they are used.

​Merge Syntax

This is used when you would like to merge the data collected into a Document for example.

​Dropdown Items


Type each item in the Create New text box and click the


button or Enter on your keyboard.

To delete an item click the



To edit the item click the



To move an item up or down the list you just need to drag and drop to the right order.

Clear will remove all dropdown items already added.

Import will allow you to import the items rather than adding individually.

Copy will allow you to add these items to another field.

Close will close the popup saving the changes made.

To put these Fields onto the Account view screen see the Configuration options.

To control which ones are displayed on the Account Details Screen, go to the Menu option, Setup > Field Selection > Contacts.


Inside of any Account you can click on edit this view, and click the spanner on the Contact panel (



To configure additional user-defined fields click here for more information.


The fields that are selected are the ones that will be displayed in the Contact name section on the Account View.

To select a field simply single click on it on the left.

To change the text displayed for the field just over type in the Name column.

If the names are displayed in the page tab format (rather than as separate page tabs, see Area Setup), then enter the width for each field in the Size column.

If the names are displayed in the grid format the size of each field width is relative to the sizes of the other fields, eg a field with 300 will be 50% larger than one with 200.

Use the


button to remove a field from the listing.

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