The system includes advanced Email Campaign Management. This allows you to pro-actively track opens, clicks and bounces of bulk emails sent. The system also handles advanced scheduling, allowing you to repeat campaigns, schedule campaigns for specific times and tailor recipients of follow up email.
The main features available are detailed below:
• | Discover how many email messages in a batch have been opened, how many have had links clicked on and how many were undeliverable. |
• | Track which links have been clicked within an email, allowing you to further analyse what is drawing the recipients interest. |
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• | Schedule follow up emails, based on who clicked, who opened, or who did not. |
• | Provide detailed analysis of clicks, opens and bounces. |
• | Manage unsubscribes on a campaign and a global level. |
• | Complete email error, warning and success logging so that you can easily determine the results of the email campaign. |