You can access the Email Campaign Dashboard by going to Menu > Tools > Email/SMS campaigns > Campaign Dashboard.
This Dashboard displays the 5 most recent Email Campaigns Steps in that database area. It displays the number and percent of Opens, Clicked, Bounced and Unsubscribed. You will also see for each the date/time it was sent out, the name of the Campaign, the step number, the subject and how many Contacts it was sent to.
There is a useful Help icon at the top which will explain in detail what is being displayed. You also have the option to exclude any Campaigns that are created from a Template Email Campaign.
There is a icon which once clicked will take you to the Campaign Scheduler so you can view the Campaign in more detail.
You can select the following icon when on the Dashboard and this will allow you to export(download) the graph information.
If you need to reload the Dashboard you can do this by clicking the reload icon on the side menu.