The Removed Contact Search allows you to search for contacts that have previously been removed due to data privacy reasons.
To access the Removed Contact Search, go to Menu, Tools > Privacy > Removed Contact Search.
Here you can search by Contact Name, Email, Telephone number and/or Mobile number to look at all contacts which may match the criteria you have entered.
You need to use at least one of these fields but can use as many as you like in each search.
You can also specify a database area, or search across all areas.
There are a few different search types:
Exact: If you use an exact search, the information from the deleted contact must exactly match the information you have entered into the search fields.
Fuzzy: If you use a fuzzy search, the information from the deleted contact must match the information you have entered ignoring spaces. This would allow: 'FIVE CRM' to match with 'FIVECRM'. If you use a fuzzy search and there is an exact match, the results will show that this was an exact match.
Any: This will return all contacts where one or more of the fields you have typed in match the deleted contact.
All: This will return all contacts where all of the fields you have typed in match the deleted contact.
All of the searches are case-insensitive.
Interpreting the Results
Below is an example search:
Here you can see Fuzzy - Any search.
Two contacts have been returned, and both were deleted separately.
For the top contact, the contact name and telephone are an exact match - shown by the green bullseye. However, the Mobile does not match at all and this is shown by the red cross. The email address was not entered so N/A is displayed.
For the second contact, the contact name is a fuzzy match - shown by the yellow tilde. None of the other fields match.