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Set Other Field
Liam avatar
Written by Liam
Updated over a year ago

The system can be set to update the majority of fields with a set value.

Go to the Account List by clicking the 'Reload Area' (


) option down in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Use the Filter and Search functions to select the list of Accounts that you want to populate a field with data in this Area.

Click the Assign button on the Menu bar on the left:


  1. Select the option of ‘All Accounts in current filter’, ‘Selected Accounts’ or ‘Number of Accounts’ as required.

  2. Select Action to perform as ‘Set other field’.

  3. Select under Action details the field you want to populate from the first drop down list.

  4. Fill in the last field with what you want to populate the field with. Please note that this field is case and character sensitive so if you are populating this field so it matches data already populated you will need to ensure it is exact.

Click the Apply button:


It is often wise to ensure the Quick Backup is checked as this will store a backup of the data before the assign. Please be aware that each assign with Quick Backup checked, by any User working in the same Area, will overwrite the previous Quick Backup stored so it is good practice to check your data after each assign.

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