The system has further enhanced its functionality by adding Cases. By having this within one system this ensures that everyone within your company in contact with customers has a complete overview of previous queries and correspondence.
Cases are fully configurable with the option of visual indicators to help the agents know which cases need their attention. Canned responses can be configured for the quickest way to send a standardised response to customers. The system is able to receive emails and create cases automatically, in addition to refusing emails for certain email addresses.
Setting Up and Using Cases
Case Setup - This is how you configure the basics of Cases.
Email Settings - Where you configure your own outbound/inbound mail server settings for use with Cases.
Email Templates - These are automated responses to tickets based upon certain actions.
Canned Responses - Here you setup standard responses for your agents to use.
Banned List - Here you add email addresses to a banned list.
Case List - This is a guide on how you use the case list.