General Info:
This function is useful if you want to assign different Sales People to different Accounts based upon geographic location - defined by Post/Zip-codes.
You can use this function when dividing up Accounts between Sales People for different meetings and appointments. When booking an appointment on an Account, the appointment will be automatically placed within the Salesperson’s list who is assigned to that specific location.
There are 3 ways to assign Salespeople to Accounts;
Using ‘Entire Code’ - Uses the entire post/zip-code
Using ‘First Letters’ - Uses the first 2 letters (This is mainly applicable to UK postcodes)
Using ‘Up to Space’ - Uses all characters up to the space (This uses the major part of the post/zip-code, again mainly applicable to UK postcodes)
How To:
To allocate Sales People you first need a spreadsheet with two columns. The first column has to be the Sales Person’s name (which must be identical to their name created in the system). The second column needs to be their Post/Zip-code (You either need the full Postcode, the first few letters or all characters up to the space - depending on which method you use to assign).
You need to save this spreadsheet as a ‘comma delimited file’. (CSV or .csv)
In the system, go to the Menu option Setup > Salesperson
Click the button
Click 'Choose File', locate the CSV file on your computer and select it.
Select the Save button.
Go to the Account list by clicking the 'Reload Area' (
) option down in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Use the Filter and Search functions to select the list of accounts that you want to allocate a sales persons name to.
Click the Assign button on the Menu bar on the left:
Select the option of ‘All Accounts in current filter’, ‘Selected Accounts’ or ‘Number of Accounts’ as required.
Select Assign to Sales person.
Select the relevant ‘Assign by Postcode...’ option from the drop down list.
Click the Apply button:
The system will then go through all selected accounts individually, check its Post/Zip-code and apply the relevant Sales Person’s name.
It is often wise to ensure the Quick Backup is checked as this will store a backup of the data before the assign. Please be aware that each assign with Quick Backup checked, by any User working in the same Area, will overwrite the previous Quick Backup stored so it is good practice to check your data after each assign.
Click here to view a video guide covering this topic