This section can be used in different ways, for example:
Basic order entry
Existing product listing
Sales opportunity listing
Contract tracking
Listing of SIC codes relevant to the selected company
The page heading can be set to be whatever is relevant in the Configuration page.
The columns displayed can be set in the Product List Fields page along with the actual column heading texts.
Use the button on the right of the line to edit an entry
Use the button on the right of the line to edit an entry.
Use the button to add an entry.
To delete an entry first edit it, then click the button.
By default there are many more fields displayed on this screen than are shown here.
Go to the configuration page (Menu option, Setup > Field Selections > Customer Product details) to set which field to show and the text for the field labels.
Click here for more details.
The Reference field will auto-increment if not manually entered.
Click into the date fields to display a calendar to select from.
Basic Value Calculations for Basic Order Entry
Use the Product setup to enter the default sales price for each product.
Ensure you have the following fields visible:
Actual value
Actual quantity
Total net value
Total tax value
Total value
If you have the Product group visible the system will filter the Product drop down list accordingly.
On selecting a product, the system will populate the Actual value field with the default unit sales price. After entering a value in Actual quantity the totals will be calculated.
Of course, you can change the screen texts so, for example, you may want "Actual value" to be "Unit Sales Price". Click here for more details.
The system will save the date and time that the record is created so you can run reports on this data by date range.
Advanced Value Calculations
This function will add up specific fields and put the result in another field.
Go to the Menu option Setup > Field selections > Customer Product Details.
Select the fields needed on the screen.
Since the Actual Quantity field is used in the Total Value calculation, it can be used to add up a number of other fields to put a total quantity in the Actual Quantity field.
For example, if the Additional Fields 01, 02 and 03 contain quantities, they can be added by entering the the Control section for Actual Quantity: *sum[ADDN01,ADDN02,ADDN03].
Then the Total value will be the result of using the total of the quantities.