The default installation folder is "appdata".
Ensure that the folder containing the FIVE CRM Agent has the permissions set to Everyone/ Full control.
Alternatively, follow these steps to change the work file folder (this might have to be done with Run as Administrator):
In the FIVE CRM Agent click the button Log/Test.
Select a new folder by clicking the button
Check that the FIVE CRM Agent can dial directly:
Open the agent (you may have to click on it in the Windows System Tray).
Click on the button Log/Test.
Input a phone number at the top right
If it does not dial, check the TAPI driver is installed and configured (some TAPI Drivers need to be configured in the Windows Control Panel, Phone & Modem options)
Check if Windows Phone Dialer can Dial using the TAPI device (go to Windows Start/Run, type Dialer)
If Windows Phone Dialer does not Dial then there is definitely a problem with the TAPI Driver or Phone.
If Windows Phone Dialer does Dial then try changing the setting TAPI Media mode. This can be blank, Data modem, or Interactive Voice. It's just trial and error to find out which one will work.
Only do the next steps after the FIVE CRM Agent can Dial directly:
Double check the User Dialing method in your system is IP Command and the Dial command is:*telephone&rec=*rec&filename=*filename&area=*area
and the hangup command is:
Then turn off all firewalls and anti-virus
Try the test again
If that does not work change the User Dialing method in your system to URL Scheme.
Enter the Dial Command: callprodial:dial?telephone=*telephone&rec=*ref
Enter the Hangup Command: callprodial:hangup
In the FIVE CRM Agent set the Connection method to URL Scheme.
Try the test again.
If that does not work try the command directly in a Browser (either Firefox or Internet Explorer, NOT Chrome):
Type exactly this, replacing *telephone with your own phone number: callprodial:dial?*telephone
If that does not work you need to check the setup in the Registry.
DO NOT do the next step unless you are an experienced IT professional:
Open the Registry and look for the key: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\callprodial\shell\open\command
The default value should be: C:\Program Files\FIVE CRM agent\callpro_dial.exe "%1"
If you have moved the FIVE CRM Agent to a different folder then this value also needs to be updated.