Global Settings
Cookies must be enabled in order for the system to work, for information on how to enable Cookies view your Browser's online help.
Do not open the system in multiple page tabs or Browser windows, as this often causes errors.
The following Browsers are currently supported:
You can download Firefox by clicking on the following link.
You may need to change the following setting in Firefox.
Type the following into the Firefox address bar: about:config
You may see a warning come up on the screen, acknowledge it.
type "browser.cache" into the Search box. Ensure that the variable ‘browser.cache.check_doc_frequency’ is set to '1'. If it is not then right click on it and select ‘modify’ then change the number to 1.
Close all open Browser windows and then restart Firefox.
Internet Explorer
It is recommended to tweak the following settings if using Internet Explorer.
Page Caching -
Go to Tools > Internet Options
Click on 'Settings' under 'Browsing History'
Ensure that 'Check for newer versions of stored pages:' is set to 'Every time I visit the webpage'
Select 'OK' then 'OK' again to save the settings.
Google Chrome
Page Caching -
Click on the 'Tools' (
) then select 'settings'.
Then in the top left corner select the settings menu, click on 'Advanced' and then 'Privacy and Security'.
On this page you will need to toggle the 'Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly' option to the left to disable Prefetch.