To make a new account you can either go to Menu, File > New Account or you can click on the ‘New Account’ icon on the left Menu Bar.
The system can automatically create the next Account Number which is set in the Area setup.
To set a specific Account Number overtype the number displayed.
Press the Create button to create the Account and open the Account Details screen.
Note: Please click here if you are getting a warning advising you the Account number is already being used.
New Account Search
On the New Account screen, there is a Quick Search function to enable the user to check whether an Account exists before creating a new one.
Users with an Authority Level of Regular are not able to create new accounts, but by selecting the option 'Global account search' in their User Profile they will have access to the Quick Search option.
Enter a part of the Account name or Postcode, then click Search.
Optionally check the box for All Active Areas which will search in all the Database Areas the user is allowed to access.
Click on a row to open the selected account.