You will need to create a User Profile before your User can log into the system. A User Profile contains many settings to ensure your User can work efficiently within your system.
The system works on concurrent Users, this means you can create as many User Profiles as you need regardless of how many Licences you have subscribed to.
Go to the Menu option Setup > Users > User Profiles.
To create a new Username, click the button
To Export all User Profile information you will need to select the download option
The icon on the left indicates whether each User is currently signed on:
Each User profile has the option to add a User Profile picture which is displayed here:
Username is the name you entered when creating the Profile.
Name is the full name of the User Logged in.
Authority is the level of access given to the User, this is set up in the Permissions heading.
Last Login is the date the Profile was last used to log into the system.
Log off is an option that will log a User out of the system. This option is only available to Admin Users.
Clicking into a User Profile you are taken to the Profile setup and settings.
There you will see Information about the User:
First signon date is the date the Profile was first used to log into the system.
Last signon date is the date the Profile was last used to log into the system.
API Auth Hash is Important when using the API. Please click here to learn more.
Currently signed on will show yes if the Profile is currently logged into the system and no if it is not.
The next step is to configure the User Profile.
Username is the Username given when creating the User Profile. Once a Username is given to a Profile it cannot be changed. The Username has a maximum length of 50 characters.
Password is the option to change the Password set for the Profile. This can be changed at any point but you will need to ensure the password has a minimum of 8 characters which include at least one uppercase character, at least one lowercase character and at least one number.
User Enabled is the option that will allow a User to login into the system on this Profile with the correct Username and Password. If you disable the Profile it will no longer let a User Login to the system on this profile even if they have the correct Username and Password.
You can add a User Profile Picture by selecting the Folder Icon.
You can remove a picture by selecting the cross Icon.
Please select the following to see more about each heading in the User Profile.
At the bottom of the User Profile, there are buttons to affect the Profile.
Save will save any changes made to the profile and take you back to the list of User profiles.
To delete an existing User Profile, click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. This will only show when the Profile is not being used to log into the system.
Please be aware, if you delete a User profile there is no way to restore it.
Click the Duplicate button to create another User Profile with the same settings.
Please note that not all user-specific details will be copied over by this process so you will need to check the profile after creation.
To duplicate an existing User Profile, click the Duplicate button at the bottom of the page, enter a new name, check the details, and then Save. It's not possible to change the Username after creating the User Profile so instead, you would need to duplicate the Profile and add the new Username.
Click Cancel to return to the list of User profiles without saving.